Giu 16, 2017 | Blog
“Ecco su chi io poserò lo sguardo: su colui che è umile, che ha lo spirito afflitto e trema alla mia parola.” (Isaia 66:2) La prima caratteristica di un cuore retto è che trema davanti alla Parola del Signore. Isaia 66 parla del problema che alcuni adorano in un modo...
Giu 16, 2017 | Blog
Ever since I was a boy, I have been fascinated with the planet that we live on. I remember as a child, my father’s friend moved to be a missionary in Brazil. Each night before we went to bed we would pray for him, and the people he loved and served. As I grew older, I...
Giu 16, 2017 | Blog
Have you ever watched a film and felt that the writer had captured your essence in one of the characters? This happened to me when I watched UP – but the character wasn’t the sweet old man, or the young explorer – it was the dog. If you haven’t watched UP,...
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